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dragonfly pixie dancing on mignight waterLoading zoom, please wait

Making ripples

(Run your cursor over the image to see the detail. It may take a moment to load.)

This piece was done in February of 1999. It shows a pixie playing on a pond. (How's that for alliteration!)

I scanned real dragonfly wings into Adobe® Photoshop®, where I colored them and created a transparency mask for them. Then I imported them into Adobe Illustrator®, where I made an outline of their shape. I posed the pixie herself in Poser®.

I opened Strata® Studio Pro 2.5, and imported the pixie, imported and extruded the wings, and shaded everything. I made the Pixie's clothing from a square that I manipulated and folded into its present shape, and gave her a wand which I enhanced with Pixie Dust from Strata's Power Module 1. The ripples are simply a bump map created in Adobe Photoshop, and applied to a highly reflective surface.

To get an accurate picture of the Pixie Dust (which doesn't reflect) I mirrored the whole pixie upside down, and rendered the image again.

Finally, I opened the completed renderings in Photoshop, added the Pixie's hair and face, and used the rubber stamp tool to put the Pixie Dust into the reflections. And there it was! All in all, I had a great deal of fun making this piece.

This print is no longer available on line. If you'd like a copy, please drop me a note, and ask me to put it on my Zazzle Store. Thanks!

If you want to contact me, please go to my Contact page for a mailing address, or you can reach me on Twitter, where I'm @RobinWood.