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Athame and Chalice creating a starburstLoading zoom, please wait


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A computer generated picture, done with Specular Infini-D, and retouched slightly in Adobe® Photoshop®. (I added wicks, and manipulated the candle flames a bit.)

I made this one to take to a show, and I use it for the front page of my Cyber Grove. The athame (knife) is actually mine. It's a beautiful piece done for me by David Hesser, who sells blades at Renaissance Festivals. The wooden Pentagram the goblet is sitting on is a model of a real piece, too; one I made. The goblet - well, I wish!!

You can purchase Symbolism at my Zazzle store, or just go to my Zazzle store front page to see everything available there.

If you'd like to see this image on something besides a print, please let me know! I'll be happy to put it on anything you'd like!

If you want to contact me, please go to my Contact page for a mailing address, or you can reach me on Twitter, where I'm @RobinWood.